Linkerd viz error for initcontainer

Installed linkerd stable-2.13.5 in an air gapped environment. Copied all the images based on yaml. The check after installation of linkerd is fine. But when trying to install viz plugin, all deployments - metrics-api, prometheus, tap, tap-injector and web - throwing error as below:

Error creating: Pod “metrics-api-2323ksadsa0asdfas” is invalid: [spec.initcontainers[0].name: Required value]

The cluster is running in Kubernetes v1.21.

Any one got such errors previously and any pointers for the fix?

Thanks in advance.

Before installing linkerd-viz, did you wait for the linkerd core control plane to become ready? The linkerd-proxy-injector in particular needs to be ready in order to inject the linkerd-init initContainer and linkerd-proxy container when the viz workloads are deployed. Can you share the metrics-api pod yaml to see what could be going on?

Yes…all the four deployments in linkerd namespace were up.

The viz yml used to create the workloads is here

That yaml seems fine, and applying it on a cluster with a healthy linkerd instance brings up viz fine…
Can you share the yaml of the actual metrics-api pod, not its deployment?

The POD keep crashing and i am not able to describe the POD to get the yaml. I just added some zipkin as an init container but now complaining as spec.initcontainers[1].name: Required value. Not sure how this list of arrays and validations are coming up.