I am trying to install 2.13.5 in an air-gapped environment. The environment is a Tanzu Kubernetes cluster running kubernetes 1.21. I created linkerd install yaml in my local worksation and identified the images referred for installation. I pulled and saved the images as tar. Moved the image tar files, installer and yaml files to the target air-gapped environment. I pushed the images from the tar files and changed the references for the images in the install yaml to point to the local repository. Created the crds and installation of linkerd was successful. When i listed the pods of linkerd namespace, i can see the containers running. But when i install other workloads , they are failing as initcontainer[0].name is required including viz. When i do a linkerd check, since viz couldn’t be installed, there is error as metrics-api is available. Rest of the linkerd checks are fine. After uninstalling linkerd, there is no error and i can install other workloads in the kubernetes cluster.
Below are the reference to images, I changed to point to air-gapped environment’s repo:
controllerImage: cr.l5d.io/linkerd/controller
image: cr.l5d.io/linkerd/controller:stable-2.13.5
image: cr.l5d.io/linkerd/proxy:stable-2.13.5
image: cr.l5d.io/linkerd/proxy-init:v2.2.1
image: cr.l5d.io/linkerd/proxy:stable-2.13.5
image: cr.l5d.io/linkerd/controller:stable-2.13.5
image: cr.l5d.io/linkerd/controller:stable-2.13.5
image: cr.l5d.io/linkerd/policy-controller:stable-2.13.5
image: cr.l5d.io/linkerd/proxy-init:v2.2.1
image: cr.l5d.io/linkerd/controller:stable-2.13.5
image: cr.l5d.io/linkerd/proxy:stable-2.13.5
image: cr.l5d.io/linkerd/controller:stable-2.13.5
image: cr.l5d.io/linkerd/proxy-init:v2.2.1
I didn’t edit the CRD yaml and executed as it is.
What could have caused all deployments to expect and init container?