I’m attempting to run linkerd on a k8s cluster managed by VMware TKGI.
Linkerd itself seems to install fine and all checks pass.
However, after installing linkerd viz, I get the following error when running linkerd viz check.
FailedDiscoveryCheck: failing or missing response from bad status from 400
see https://linkerd.io/2.14/checks/#l5d-tap-api for hints
Additionally, when calling kubectl api-resources I get the following error…
error: unable to retrieve the complete list of server APIs: tap.linkerd.io/v1alpha1: the server is currently unable to handle the request
…and kubectl get apiservice shows the following.
v1alpha1.tap.linkerd.io linkerd-viz/tap False (FailedDiscoveryCheck)
Has anyone succeeded in running linkerd viz on a TKGI K8s cluster?
I have attempted to follow the tips from Troubleshooting | Linkerd, which suggest problems with K8s aggregation layer configuration. Unfortunately, what I needed to perform that configuration does not appear to be “user serviceable” in TKGI and VMware support has not been overly helpful. Is there additional logs or something I can grab to help convince support (and myself, for that matter) that the problem is with the agg layer configuration?
Thanks in advance for any advice.