I want Help Setting Up a Linkerd Service Mesh

Hello everyone,

I m working on setting up Linkerd as a service mesh for our microservices architecture & could use some guidance; I have followed the official documentation and installed Linkerd on our Kubernetes cluster but I am facing some challenges.

Some of our services are not showing up in the Linkerd dashboard. I have double checked the annotations and deployments but I am not sure if there is a misconfiguration or something I might be missing.

We have noticed a slight increase in latency for some of our services since installing Linkerd. I am curious if there are any recommended tuning parameters or best practices for minimizing overhead.

Also i have read this resorse/artical; https://linkerd.buoyant.io/t/metadata-agentname-for-linkerd-buoyantpower-bi but have not found any solution still need your advice. if you have any advice please share with me .

We would like to allow mutual TLS for our services. Could anyone provide advice on the best way to configure this or share any pitfalls to avoid? :thinking:

Thank you.