Could Someone Give me Guidance on Optimizing Linkerd for High-Traffic Microservices?

Hello there,

I am reaching out to seek some guidance on optimizing Linkerd for a high traffic microservices environment. Our team is running Linkerd in our Kubernetes cluster; and while we have seen great results in terms of reliability and observability; we are facing challenges as our traffic volume continues to increase.

What are the best practices for tuning Linkerd to handle high traffic loads effectively? Are there specific configurations or parameters we should adjust to improve performance and reduce latency? :thinking:
How should we allocate resources for Linkerd components in a high-traffic scenario? Any recommendations on monitoring and adjusting resource limits to avoid bottlenecks? :thinking:

What strategies have you found effective for scaling Linkerd itself and the services it proxies? Are there any common pitfalls we should be aware of when scaling our Linkerd deployment? :thinking:

We are occasionally encountering issues with service latencies and intermittent failures. What are some common troubleshooting steps or tools you use to diagnose and resolve these issues? :thinking:

Also, I have gone through this post; which definitely helped me out a lot.

Lastly; are there any best practices or performance tuning tips specific to Linkerd that you would recommend based on your experience? :thinking:

Thank you in advance for your help and assistance. :innocent:

Hey @DOM, and sorry for the delay here. :confused:

I’m curious what challenges you’re running into and what kind of traffic volume you’re seeing, but in general, I would highly recommend checking out the Linkerd Production Runbook from Buoyant, which has a lot of things that’re useful for situations like this. You might also want to check the Linkerd docs about Proxy Concurrency, which includes some specifics about allowing Linkerd to properly take advantage of multiple cores.