Cluster Egress Traffic Control

Hello - great to see this forum, nice idea.

To keep things simple - I was just looking for an update on egress traffic control. From what I’ve pieced together:

  • It was originally planned for 2022 but the gateway api adoption delayed some things
  • As of last year it was looking like 2.13ish

Are you thinking this will be coming in the next release or two?

Is this the appropriate GitHub issue to keep an eye on?

Sorry to ask in another location but I just hadn’t seen an update in awhile. We are eagerly awaiting this functionality.

Hey Will. We’re planning out the post-2.13 right now and this is on the list of possible things to tackle. You are definitely not the only one asking. Stay tuned…

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Hey - just checking in - did the post-2.13 roadmap firm up? Thanks!

Howdy. Yes, 2.14 is firmer now but unfortunately egress did not make the cut. We are aggressively targeting 2.14 for August and it will be a candidate for 2.15. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

Hey - congrats on 2.14. The flat networking changes will help quite a bit. I hope egress filtering isn’t something you’re slating for Linkerd Enterprise ?

I’m not entirely sure yet which piece(s) will end up in enterprise, if any. You can see the current list of Linkerd Enterprise features here FWIW.

old topic but I can see the feature request is still open. Anyone that can give insight if that still is something that is planned or has it been implemented already?

This is implemented in the most recent edge releases (e.g. Release edge-24.11.7 · linkerd/linkerd2 · GitHub)! Docs are underway as we speak, but you can also check out for a discussion and demo.

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thanks for sharing Flynn, great timing :slight_smile:
I had a look at your excellent demonstration and it sounds like this is exactly what we are looking for.

Docs for egress are in place now too. :slight_smile:

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