Linkerd viz uninstall circumvents linkerd uninstall checks

Hello everybody,

I have an RKE2 Kubernetes Cluster where I installed linkerd and linkerd-viz via the Helm Charts. 2 weeks ago the certificates expired, which I only noticed now after new pods failed to start. I first thought that a fresh install via the linkerd CLI would be better, so I wanted to use linkerd uninstall, which showed me that viz is still installed and some pods had sidecars injected. I used Helm uninstall for the linkerd viz deployment, which failed to remove it completely (Role and RoleBindings), so I used the CLI command listed in the docs: linkerd viz uninstall | kubectl delete -f -. This then went on to simply delete everything connected to linkerd-viz, including the linkerd namespace, where I had both linkerd and linkerd-viz installed. This deleted the control plane as well, ignoring all the checks listed in linkerd uninstall, however the CRDs are still there.

Maybe adding a check beforehand would be great?

My Client version: stable-2.14.0

To avoid this in the future isolate components in different namespace. You can configure automatic certificate renewal