Control plane helm chart removes CRD's when using flux

Hi there,

I just got started using Linkerd and when I try to install it with kustomize and flux I have this weird issue. I have configured a dependency like this:

But when I run the controlplane the crd’s are removed:

Helm upgrade failed for release l12m-linkerd/linkerd with chart linkerd-control-plane@1.16.11: context deadline exceeded Last Helm logs: 2024-04-05T13:23:17.12653804Z: Deleting CustomResourceDefinition "" in namespace ... 2024-04-05T13:23:17.215478928Z: Deleting CustomResourceDefinition "" in namespace ... 2024-04-05T13:23:17.286213322Z: Deleting CustomResourceDefinition "" in namespace ... 2024-04-05T13:23:17.336304796Z: Deleting CustomResourceDefinition "" in namespace ... 2024-04-05T13:23:17.355444744Z: Deleting CustomResourceDefinition "" in namespace ... 2024-04-05T13:23:17.386253785Z: Deleting CustomResourceDefinition "" in namespace ... 2024-04-05T13:23:17.424392019Z: waiting for release linkerd resources (created: 40 updated: 3 deleted: 8) 2024-04-05T13:23:17.424398911Z: beginning wait for 43 resources with timeout of 10m0s 2024-04-05T13:23:17.497631966Z: Deployment is not ready: l12m-linkerd/linkerd-destination. 0 out of 2 expected pods are ready 2024-04-05T13:33:15.569659638Z: Deployment is not ready: l12m-linkerd/linkerd-destination. 0 out of 2 expected pods are ready (299 duplicate lines omitted)

This is the pattern, you can see the following status messages:

* `linkerd-control-plane   46m   Unknown   Running 'upgrade' action with timeout of 10m0s`
* `linkerd-control-plane   50m   False   dependency 'l12m-linkerd/linkerd-crds' is not ready`
* `linkerd-control-plane   51m   Unknown   Running 'upgrade' action with timeout of 10m0s` => CRD Are now removed
k get helmreleases
NAME                    AGE   READY     STATUS
linkerd-control-plane   46m   Unknown   Running 'upgrade' action with timeout of 10m0s
linkerd-crds            46m   True      Helm upgrade succeeded for release l12m-linkerd/linkerd.v5 with chart linkerd-crds@1.8.0
k get helmreleases
NAME                    AGE   READY   STATUS
linkerd-control-plane   50m   False   Helm upgrade failed for release l12m-linkerd/linkerd with chart linkerd-control-plane@1.16.11: context deadline exceeded
linkerd-crds            50m   True    Helm upgrade succeeded for release l12m-linkerd/linkerd.v5 with chart linkerd-crds@1.8.0

k get helmreleases
NAME                    AGE   READY   STATUS
linkerd-control-plane   50m   False   dependency 'l12m-linkerd/linkerd-crds' is not ready
linkerd-crds            50m   True    Helm upgrade succeeded for release l12m-linkerd/linkerd.v7 with chart linkerd-crds@1.8.0
k get crd | grep linkerd                           2024-04-05T14:13:11Z                                      2024-04-05T14:13:11Z                          2024-04-05T14:13:11Z                          2024-04-05T14:13:11Z                            2024-04-05T14:13:11Z                                         2024-04-05T14:13:11Z                                        2024-04-05T14:13:11Z
k get helmreleases
NAME                    AGE   READY   STATUS
linkerd-control-plane   50m   False   dependency 'l12m-linkerd/linkerd-crds' is not ready
linkerd-crds            50m   True    Helm upgrade succeeded for release l12m-linkerd/linkerd.v7 with chart linkerd-crds@1.8.0
k get po
NAME                                     READY   STATUS             RESTARTS      AGE
linkerd-destination-6fff56ccc9-69c4z     4/4     Running            7 (20m ago)   25m
linkerd-destination-6fff56ccc9-b9vst     4/4     Running            0             15m
linkerd-destination-776f94d4bf-22zpw     2/4     CrashLoopBackOff   7 (88s ago)   12m
linkerd-destination-776f94d4bf-gkxzt     3/4     CrashLoopBackOff   7 (79s ago)   12m
linkerd-identity-cdffcb685-2w2mg         2/2     Running            0             50m
linkerd-identity-cdffcb685-7z6d5         2/2     Running            0             50m
linkerd-identity-cdffcb685-c8hsf         2/2     Running            0             50m
linkerd-proxy-injector-f86445d87-k9clb   2/2     Running            0             12m
linkerd-proxy-injector-f86445d87-kmnbz   2/2     Running            0             12m
linkerd-proxy-injector-f86445d87-ll7p2   2/2     Running            0             12m
k get helmreleases
NAME                    AGE   READY   STATUS
linkerd-control-plane   50m   False   dependency 'l12m-linkerd/linkerd-crds' is not ready
linkerd-crds            50m   True    Helm upgrade succeeded for release l12m-linkerd/linkerd.v7 with chart linkerd-crds@1.8.0
k get crd | grep linkerd                           2024-04-05T14:13:11Z                                      2024-04-05T14:13:11Z                          2024-04-05T14:13:11Z                          2024-04-05T14:13:11Z                            2024-04-05T14:13:11Z                                         2024-04-05T14:13:11Z                                        2024-04-05T14:13:11Z
k get helmreleases
NAME                    AGE   READY     STATUS
linkerd-control-plane   51m   Unknown   Running 'upgrade' action with timeout of 10m0s
linkerd-crds            51m   True      Helm upgrade succeeded for release l12m-linkerd/linkerd.v7 with chart linkerd-crds@1.8.0
k get crd | grep linkerd

Just for future reference. It was my own fault (Obviously :rofl:)

I had a duplicate releasename in my kustomize coniguration.

Grtz Andres

Oh I am very happy to hear that. :slight_smile: Thanks for letting us know!