Debugging your Buoyant Cloud agent installation

If you’re running the Linkerd Production Toolkit and you see messages that look like this when running linkerd check :

‼ Linkerd health ok
Linkerd not connected to Buoyant Cloud
see for hints
‼ Linkerd vulnerability report ok
Linkerd not connected to Buoyant Cloud
see for hints
‼ Linkerd data plane upgrade assistance ok
Linkerd not connected to Buoyant Cloud
see for hints
‼ Linkerd trust anchor rotation assistance ok
Linkerd not connected to Buoyant Cloud
see for hints

Then this indicates that your cluster is not connected to Buoyant Cloud. Fixing this is optional, in the sense that Linkerd will continue functioning just fine, but highly recommended, as Buoyant Cloud will provide:

  • continuous health monitoring
  • vulnerability alerts (e.g. CVEs found)
  • automated upgrade assistance
  • and a couple other production-grade features

To fix this, visit this URL, sign in to Buoyant Cloud, and follow the instructions.

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There are no instructions at that location-- it takes me to the Buoyant Cloud settings. How about a link to a document with instructions to troubleshoot the issue?

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