[Cert-Manager] Webhook Certificates renewal Failure

When performing a linkerd check --proxy we’re experiencing an error cert is not issued by the trust anchor: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority which doesn’t make much sense to me. To my understanding, webhook certificates should not be issued by the root cert.

√ can initialize the client
√ can query the Kubernetes API

√ is running the minimum Kubernetes API version

√ 'linkerd-config' config map exists
√ heartbeat ServiceAccount exist
√ control plane replica sets are ready
√ no unschedulable pods
√ control plane pods are ready
√ cluster networks contains all pods
√ cluster networks contains all services

√ control plane Namespace exists
√ control plane ClusterRoles exist
√ control plane ClusterRoleBindings exist
√ control plane ServiceAccounts exist
√ control plane CustomResourceDefinitions exist
√ control plane MutatingWebhookConfigurations exist
√ control plane ValidatingWebhookConfigurations exist
√ proxy-init container runs as root user if docker container runtime is used

√ certificate config is valid
√ trust anchors are using supported crypto algorithm
√ trust anchors are within their validity period
√ trust anchors are valid for at least 60 days
√ issuer cert is using supported crypto algorithm
√ issuer cert is within its validity period
√ issuer cert is valid for at least 60 days
√ issuer cert is issued by the trust anchor

× proxy-injector webhook has valid cert
    cert is not issued by the trust anchor: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
    see https://linkerd.io/2.13/checks/#l5d-proxy-injector-webhook-cert-valid for hints

√ linkerd-viz Namespace exists
× can initialize the client
    no running pods found for metrics-api
    see https://linkerd.io/2.13/checks/#l5d-viz-existence-client for hints

Status check results are ×
❯ linkerd check --proxy
√ can initialize the client
√ can query the Kubernetes API

√ is running the minimum Kubernetes API version

√ 'linkerd-config' config map exists
√ heartbeat ServiceAccount exist
√ control plane replica sets are ready
√ no unschedulable pods
√ control plane pods are ready
√ cluster networks contains all pods
√ cluster networks contains all services

√ control plane Namespace exists
√ control plane ClusterRoles exist
√ control plane ClusterRoleBindings exist
√ control plane ServiceAccounts exist
√ control plane CustomResourceDefinitions exist
√ control plane MutatingWebhookConfigurations exist
√ control plane ValidatingWebhookConfigurations exist
√ proxy-init container runs as root user if docker container runtime is used

√ certificate config is valid
√ trust anchors are using supported crypto algorithm
√ trust anchors are within their validity period
√ trust anchors are valid for at least 60 days
√ issuer cert is using supported crypto algorithm
√ issuer cert is within its validity period
√ issuer cert is valid for at least 60 days
√ issuer cert is issued by the trust anchor

× proxy-injector webhook has valid cert
    cert is not issued by the trust anchor: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
    see https://linkerd.io/2.13/checks/#l5d-proxy-injector-webhook-cert-valid for hints

√ linkerd-viz Namespace exists
× can initialize the client
    no running pods found for metrics-api
    see https://linkerd.io/2.13/checks/#l5d-viz-existence-client for hints

Status check results are ×

We’re currently using Helm to install Linkerd and cert-manager to manage the certificates.

Also, the certificates is no different from what is described create-issuers-referencing-the-secrets (we’re using clusterIssuer instead of issuer)

The only one off is we’re using cert-manager create/manage the cert for webhook.linkerd.cluster.local instead of relying on the step cli to create the secret here.

On our initial helm install all check statuses passed when performing linkerd check --proxy. It is only an issue when we delete the webhook’s secrets after performing a cmctl renew linkerd-proxy-injector -n linkerd

Now, if I perform a helm upgrade things are back to normal. I’m hoping someone can help provide some insight into this thanks!

This GitHub issue seems similar except that the error message I’m getting is different, also restarting the Linkerd pods doesn’t resolve this.

The injector webhook cert should be rooted at a CA bundle that is provided in the “linkerd-proxy-injector-webhook-config” MutatingWebhookConfiguration. This is configured via the proxyInjector.caBundle helm value. In the docs you’ll see its payload is also used to generate the “webhook-issuer-tls” secret, that you should refer to in cert-manager’s Issuer resource.

@alpeb thank you very much for your reply. The docs provided are what I’ve followed, although all pods are running it’s only when I run a linkerd check that the proxy-injector webhook error is presented.

After further investigation, I found this error (below) in the cert-manager logs. The fix was to add an annotation cert-manager.io/allow-direct-injection: "true" to the secrets

cert-manager: could not find any ca data in data source for target","v":2,"kind":"mutatingwebhookconfiguration"

Ah great find, thanks for coming back with the resolution, I’m sure that’ll be helpful for others as well :slight_smile: